Month: December 2008

  • Merry Christmas to all

    Howdy all. Well its Christmas eve and so far what a day.. It starterd with a trip to the vet. Yes one of Diane’s weiney dogs needed a C section to get the 7 puppies out. One did not make it but there is 3 boys and 3 girls.The mother is doing ok but still is not 100%. Her temperature is comming up though. – My favorite little pug is expecting anyday now also.. – We have been so busy with working on the kennel. Sorry I haven’t been on in a while.- I was able to do some deer hunting in Calver but all I have killed is a coyote.. I do not kill for fun but knowing my daughters play outside, this female had to go..

     Me holding coyote

    So tomorrow is Christmas and me and Diane are headed to get the girls in the morning to go to my Stepdads to join in on some familly fun.we will be getting them around 9;30 to give them time for Santa and taking them back for they can see their Uncle around 5 or so… Diane gets to meet some of the familly for the first time yet. I will be bowed up like a peacock for sure.And then Friday I get to meet her youngest daughter for the first time. I have met her oldest daughyer (no picture) and her twin boys. They are identicle also. But I was able to tell them apart anf woo hoo at the points I earned doing so. They both love to fish and hunt, both just graduated from colled]ge recently also. Here is a picture of Collin. Mind you he had bragging rights with this rabbit in Calert untill I got the coyote


    Collin and rabbit

    The coyote is bigger and preys on rabbits. Hopefully i can get a deer this weekend. We are only taking one buck ofrf the place and I am safe because the boys are not hunting there..

    I emptied my camera and will be taking pictures of the girls Tomorrow and will post them Monday or so


    MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL and don’t forget to