Month: June 2008

  •   I started working with a water well driller yesterday. Today we got set up on a hole and will be turning to the right tomorrow. I will post some pictures when I snap some. (forgot camera) — So life has been really fine — I went and helped Diane some more also. The egg turned into eggs, in the concrete bag in the (bird building). I stalked the sack and was able to take a picture of the mother bird coming to feed. Mind you my feet were touching the pallet the nest was on. It took 3 tries to take it. The mother bird finally realized I was not going to hurt her.

    mother bird  And inside the nest. – Can you see 4 sets of eyes ?? Honestly my first peek inside the nest my heart sank and I thought it was empty. My gosh they were camoed.

    baby birds

    I was taking the pictures while Diane was waxing the floors in the main building. I warned yall she is a worker. Just check out this knee. ( other was the same). The fact they were blistered did not slow her down any at all. 


    I am not sure if we are working this weekend or not – If not, me and Diane will have the girls and I will get some more pictures. – Diane is doing good as far as her dogs having pups. Missy’s ( my favorite little pug) mom had 6 Monday night and she has 14 chiahuha puppies also. So in 10 weeks she will be selling them.Her parrots are having a bad yr which is not uncommon once in a while but she does have 5 babies also. .Hope all are well and do not forget to hold those heads high and god bless all  !!!